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US retailers set up anti cyber attack group


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In a bid to strengthen retailers against cyber attacks, a new industry group aimed at collecting and sharing intelligence is being launched in the US. The news comes following the 2013 attack on Target. The National Retail Federation said on Monday it will establish an Information Sharing and Analysis Center

(ISAC) for the retail industry in June.

Security centres provide alerts about cyber threats

ISACs are industry groups that run security operations centres and provide alerts about emerging threats to their members and sharing information provided by law enforcement and other government agencies.

"We believe a heightened and well-coordinated information sharing platform such as a retail ISAC is a vital component for helping retailers in their fight against cyber attacks," NRF CEO Matthew Shay said in a statement.

"Establishing a new programme takes time, but time is not our friend when it comes to stopping these sophisticated and unpredictable criminals. The willingness of the FS-ISAC to work with retailers provides our industry with a new and important tool as we explore all of the options available for merchants to protect their customers and their businesses."

Retailers have been under pressure from Congress and consumers to bolster security since the attack on Target, which resulted in the theft of some 40m payment card numbers and another 70m customer records, which were uncovered late last year.

In the UK, the Office of Cyber Security & Information Assurance (OCSIA) provides a strategic direction on cyber security and information assurance for the UK including e-crime.

Image: Cyber security