Fauxsumerism: why buy when you can browse?
Millenials lack the funds to shop
According to the study, many millernials lack the funds, often due to high student loans and living costs, despite the desire to shop.The three tiers to being a fauxsumer are as follows:
1. Browsing for clothes and gadgets online is a pastime for you. It's something you like doing when you have free time on your hands.
2. You check out online sales and deals without any intention of actually buying the items you like.
3. You click on 'add to cart' but don't end up proceeding to buy. This leaves you feeling satisfied despite not owning the object of desire.
Of course fauxsumerism isn't just applicable to the 14-35 year old generation. Many of us are guilty of spending our evenings browsing the web, looking at products, yet never checking out with a full shopping cart.
Decidedly, as e-commerce has become its own form of entertainment, retailers must respond by getting as much content online as possible, especially images, specs and reviews. One day the fauxsumers will have a shopping budget, and those online retailers with the best shopping windows will be the ones making the sales.
Image: Browsing