Sweaty Betty reveals collaboration with Richard Nicoll
US sportswear label Sweaty Betty unveiled its debut collaborative collection with
London-based designer Richard Nicoll this week during London Fashion Week.“We were drawn to work together. We share the same ambition of inspiring women by disrupting the status quo,” explained Sweaty Betty founder and creative director Tamara Norton-Hill, adding that the collaboration happened quite naturally. “Richard understands our customers’ lifestyle; living the lifestyle himself. I'm really proud of what we have accomplished together. This collection is the perfect mix between innovation and playful elegance.”
The Spring/Summer 15 womenswear capsule collection is said to have been “designed as a lifestyle offering for the modern itinerant woman,” which “presents the notion of slowing down, embracing calm, travel, fitness and work-life balance in the modern world.”
The 10 piece collection offers sports luxe inspired pieces which bring together Nicoll's use of color and prints and Sweaty Betty's high quality and performance designs. “The collection is the perfect mix between innovation and playful elegance,” adds Hill-Norton.
The capsule collection is set to launch January 2015.