Lane Bryant and Aerie join new plus size initative
Refinery29 recently just partnered with both Lane Bryant and Aerie for a new initiative. Teaming together, the three have decided to launch The 67 Percent Project, which refers to the amount of women in American who identify as plus size.
Together, the three companies plan to empower women of all sizes and address the invisibility of the plus size market in fashion. While this is more than half of the population of women in the country, plus size women are still largely lacking in the media as well as in the fashion industry. “Through The 67 Percent Project, Refinery29 is address the reality of recognizing the plus size community in the U.S., first by looking closely at our own shortcomings and how we can truly impact the shift in making the invisible visible,” Christene Barberich, global editor-in-chief and co-founder said in a statement. To help fix the issue, Refinery29 is going to start contributing through more features on plus sizes, thought pieces, and also portraying plus size women more accurately through their own content.
Aerie and Lane Bryant have both been known for being very proactive towards body positivity. Aerie launched a campaign with unretouched pictures in order to spread awareness and empower women’s natural bodies. Lane Bryant has also offered various plus sizes in fashion available to women. By partnering with Refinery29, it might actually shed some light on the lack of plus sizes in the fashion industry.