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Eileen Fisher to launch residency program

By Kristopher Fraser


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In a move that could have very well been inspired by her colleague and Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) president, Diane Von Furstenberg, with her recent hit reality series “House of DVF” where eight girls competed for a chance to be DVF’s first ever Global Brand Ambassador, designer Eileen Fisher has launched her own fashion residency program. The residency program will be launched in partnership with the CFDA, respectfully, and will be called the Eileen Fisher Social Innovator Award.

As can be easily imagined, the program will be very prestigious and extremely selective. Only three full-time fashion students will be selected for the program to receive a 12 month residency in Eileen Fisher’s New York-based creative headquarters upon their graduation. It’s no secret that fashion design is an ultra competitive field, and with the job market being so extremely competitive for recent graduates, Fisher can expect more than her share of applications to this residency.

The winners will not only be learning about the design aspects of her company, however. In addition to working alongside the designers, the winners will also work with the merchandising and socially consciousness teams. Fisher’s goal is to create well rounded fashion professionals, not just great designers.

The lucky 3 winners will be announced this year at the CFDA’s Fashion Awards on June 1st. Fisher’s idea behind the creation of this residency program did not just stem from her need to give back to the next generation of younger designers, but is also her way of ensuring that there would be a next generation of designers who would be committed to sustainable design practices. Fisher has long been known for being an innovator in the fashion industry, with her company using non-traditional models for their print advertisements, even using some of her own employees sometimes.

She is also heavily committed to sustainability practices in her design choices. Over 70 percent of the cotton used in her clothing is sourced from organic cotton. In order to reduce fabric and fiber waste the company also started its own recycling program where customers donate their past collections of Eileen Fisher clothing in exchange for a 5 dollar gift certificate per item. Needless to say, Fisher is probably one of the most socially conscious members of the CFDA.

She is no stranger to giving back either, the garments donated to her recycling program are re-sold, with the revenue generated from the sales used to fund business grants for young women. Fisher is committed in investing in the next generation of talent, this residency is just a new and more niche way for her to do so. "We want to inspire today's up-and-coming designers to think about the impact they are having on the world. We want to make sustainability our way of life, we want it to be universal," Fisher said in an interview with Women’s Wear Daily.

For those designers who aspire to be taken under the wing of Fisher, the application process will be very rigorous. Applications must first submit their digital portfolio by May 4th. The online application also includes a 250 word essay in which designers are to describe their personal design ethos and how it connects to Eileen Fisher’s design ethos, and of course the application must also include a resume.

This is only round one of the process, however. Those lucky few whose portfolios are deemed impressive enough will move on to round two of the application process, which involves an interview with the award’s panel during the week of May 11th, 2015. The award’s panel will be composed of members of Eileen Fisher’s design team, select fashion industry experts, and members of the CFDA. Each winning designer will then receive a prize of 50,000 dollars along with their placement in Fisher’s company.

While the process is not easy it is definitely worth it for a spot in Fisher’s company. Design jobs don’t come along easily, especially with someone as prestigious and well connected as Fisher. The competition for this residency is sure to be intense, but for those lucky few who receive the honor they will be getting their foot in the door at one of the most sustainable and sensible design houses in America.

Eileen Fisher