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Ties.com hits new subscriber goal

By Kristopher Fraser


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Ties.com is doing very well with getting ahead of themselves. Their monthly subscription service, Guapbox, has surpassed the six-month subscriber count goal 45 days ahead of schedule. The company attributes their success to their commitment to customer service.

"We've always been passionate about helping people dress their best — and Guapbox has given us a whole new avenue to accomplish that goal," says Omar Sayyed, the company's CEO. "For some of our subscribers, they wear a suit and tie every day and want to put shopping on autopilot. For others, they're new to dressing well and we're giving them some help with putting together combinations that work with their preferences. No matter what it is, we want to deliver something that helps them look their best."

Each box is based off of a quiz that asks about the subscriber's preference in color, pattern, accessory type and more to help an algorithm determine what will be sent in the box. Each month, subscribers receive 3-5 accessories and bonus items, all based on their personal tastes.

Price points for the boxes start at 75 dollars.

While one of the challenges of online styling has been how to make it more personal, companies like Ties.com have really invested in their styling services to make sure customers feel like they are still getting a one-on-one experience. According to Segment's 2017 State of Personalization Report, 44 percent of consumers saying they're likely to become repeat buyers after a personal experience. This new offering is also bolstering customer lifetime value of Ties.com's customers.

photo: via PR Newswire