TMO Fashion Business School
About TMO
Do you want to study fashion, but not creative fashion? Then TMO is the ideal course for you.
TMO is an hbo (higher professional education) fashion business school, which trains students up for commercial positions within the fashion industry.
Recognised and accredited by the government. TMO has been awarded the ‘Top course’ predicate for a number of years and is therefore one of the best economics hbo courses in The Netherlands. Something to be proud of! The course lasts 3.5 years and trains students up for commercial management positions within the international fashion industry. TMO offers a wide curriculum: a combination of management, marketing, communication, fashion and personal development. In addition to professional knowledge, you’ll be working on real-life projects at TMO and you will be contributing to knowledge development in collaboration with the fashion industry.
The course
TMO Fashion Business School trains students up for commercial management positions within the international fashion industry. An industry which is experiencing significant growth on a global scale and with a great need for young management talent. We have developed a unique education programme together with the industry. We want our students to make a difference in the fashion business. That’s why our hbo education is of a high standard and always up-to-date, as a result of the collaboration with the industry and industry-based lecturers.
Students don’t just acquire knowledge and skills at TMO, they also develop a critical, inquisitive attitude. Always firmly rooted in both practice and society. Anyone opting for TMO will be choosing a career in the most dynamic industry of all, the fashion industry. An industry which is continuing to grow internationally and which is in need of commercial, enterprising personalities, who are both fashion-minded and business-minded.
TMO has four didactic anchors: a sound knowledge base, real world education, attitude, evidence-based. TMO Fashion Business School’s semester structure allows you to enrol either at the end of August or in February.
After the course
We specifically train our students up for commercial management positions within the fashion industry. 80% of TMO students have found suitable employment within 3 months of graduating (and more than 10% continue with their studies). We are successful in this because approximately 90% of our graduates work in a commercial profession within this industry. Our focused approach, which is closely aligned with professional practices, gives our students more opportunities within the employment market and allows them to find a suitable position. Armed with the recognised title of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Fashion, our students find work in commercial management positions in The Netherlands and abroad. Also outside of the fashion industry, as a result of their unique combination of business knowledge, the ability to deal with changes and manage experiences and emotions. Our students have excellent employment perspectives because of our relationship with the business community and the network which has been built up during the course.
Open day
TMO Fashion Business School organises a number of Open Days every year, during which you will meet students, lecturers and former students. You will be given a guided tour and a presentation about various different disciplines, you will get to experience the atmosphere and obtain answers to any of your questions. The 2018 Open Days will be held on Saturday 13 October, 17 November and 15 December. The 2019 Open Days will be held on Saturday 19 January, 16 March and 13 April.